pasta cooking class in florence background


Are you looking for an authentic cooking class in Tuscany? If so, it is our pleasure to invite you into our home where we will teach you how to make handmade fresh pasta from scratch.

About us and our cooking class in Tuscany



I was born in Livorno and grew up in a Southern Italian family. My mother is from the Amalfi Coast and my father is from Sicily. My best memories are those of summer Sundays spent watching my grandmother start early in the morning making fresh pasta. I also enjoyed learning from my mother who enjoyed preparing delicious Neapolitan cuisine. The first time I made fresh pasta, I was seven years old. I will never forget that day as it’s one of my favorite family memories.

When I was 21, I moved to Switzerland. Moving outside of Italy taught me to explore and appreciate the difference in the food and the culture. When I returned to Italy, I started a new venture. As a baker, I worked with dough and learned to create masterpieces from simple ingredients. The smell of the freshly baked bread was inebriating. All of this… my family history in the kitchen, my travel to other parts of the world and learning to enjoy new cultures and food, and my time as a baker … made me fall in love with the miracle of creation.

My jobs from that point forward revolved around the world of fashion, but my dream was to hold a cooking class in Tuscany to share my knowledge and love for the cuisine of my heritage.


I  was born in Milan to parents of Emilian and Tuscan origin.  I don’t remember a time when I was not eating and enjoying delicious, homemade fresh food.  Typical Sunday’s in my family’s household were all spent where everyone worked together to make fresh pasta for lunch.  Everyone had their own task and we worked together like a well-oiled machine under the supervision of my  loving Nonne.  My grandmothers were always eager to share the tricks and tips that had been handed down to them, with the younger generation.  Their goal was always to make a perfect meal to please the family.

As good Italian grandmothers, they showed love with food … lots of mouthwatering food!  A plate of tagliatelle with a delectable ragù sauce meant “I love you”.  For this reason, every time I make pasta with their recipes, I remember  them with love.  This is the prized heritage that they have left me.

When I was 18, I moved to Florence where I studied arts and architecture.  I then worked in the fashion industry for many years, until a mid-life crisis convinced me to quit my job and follow my real passion, cooking and sharing stories about the history of these recipes and my family.  Here is where the idea of this cooking class in Tuscany was born.

Contact us and find out more about our cooking experience


The old farmhouse that is home to LovexFood, was uninhabited for several years.  In restoring it, we tried to respect its history and rustic charm, while bringing in modern design elements.  The garden that surrounds the farmhouse is encircled by aromatic plants, a small vegetable garden and various fruit trees.  It’s a perfect little oasis to escape to for a day of learning and laughter.

The farmhouse also houses two Jack Russells (who you will get to meet if you’re lucky), two ducks and a cat, Leo, who totally runs the household.  The hill that the home sits on, is surrounded by a forest of oaks, maples, and hornbeams and offers a view of the hills with the classic Tuscan olive trees, cypresses and a vineyard.

Via Vecchia Pisana is one of the oldest roads in the hills of Chianti Colli Fiorentini wine area.  On it you will find small ancient villages and vineyard landscapes.  In the past it was the only link between Florence and Pisa, which is where it got its name.  Our classroom location is strategic due to its proximity to the center of Florence which is only 15 km away.